Wisconsin Eminent Domain and property Rights law firm

Wisconsin Eminent Domain and property Rights law firm
We are a public interest law firm dedicated to defending Wisconsin Property owners who are involved in eminent domain and other property rights issues. We exclusively represent Wisconsin landowners and do not represent any government entities or municipalities.
Eminent domain is the power of the government to take private property for the public good. However, they must pay 'just compensation.' We help make sure you are treated fairly under the law.
Many times, the government or utility companies will try to fit just compensation into a set formula. However, under the law, you are entitled to the difference between the fair market value of your property before and after the eminent domain taking while considering all of the impacts from the taking.
We offer a free consultation for all Wisconsin landowners. We will visit your property and meet with you and offer our honest opinion on your situation. After that, we have different fee arrangements, including pro bono, that we can offer you based on the specifics of your case. Commonly, the government/utility company may have to pay your legal fees in some situations.
We have represented landowners throughout the entire state of Wisconsin. While our office is located in Madison, we frequently travel across the state to meet clients and appear in Court. We have helped people in Superior, down to Rock County, from La Crosse County, over to Door County and everywhere in between.
There is the old saying that you can't fight city hall. However, the laws around eminent domain give landowners' many rights that they may not even know about. However, the government and utility companies are very experienced and well versed in eminent domain. You will want someone on your side, fighting for you, to make sure you are treated fairly and receive every cent that you are entitled to. We have had great successes helping Wisconsin landowners be treated fairly and get significantly more in compensation then they were originally offered.
Eminent Domain Services, LLC
6515 Grand Teton Plaza, Suite 241 Madison, WI 53719
608-535-6109 or (855) 387-2321 (toll free)
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